Melania, I always knew you were a great teacher; the way you explain concepts to adult learners. But now that I have seen you teach young children, you’re not only a great teacher; you are a PHENOMENAL teacher. If only other parents knew what their children are missing out on. It is because of your class that Emma has developed a love of movement. She has learned so much and we have you to thank. Your program is not only about dance, it is about music, art, self-expression, discipline, patience, literacy, numeracy and pretty much the world around us! You have a subtle way of incorporating all these aspects into your program. These kids don’t even know how much they are learning. I’ve watched Emma’s confidence grown and that is the most important thing to us. We thank you for being such a wonderful teacher. We appreciate all the work you put into creating such a program – the Moms & Tots Ballet. It is truly a hidden gem.